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Religion & Spirituality

Future News from Year 2020 that tells you what the future will look like during the next 50 years. |
Christmas gifts and flowers Christmas gifts, presents and Flowers |
Family Life My mission is to provide great family content and parenting resources including answers and advice about products, activities, and techniques to make life simpler for moms and dads and families.
Family life plays an important part of individual’s people lives. It is a layer cake of relationships between many different people and personalities all with endless possibilities. |
Lord's Art - We offer a variety of high quality Christian art at great prices; something for every taste and Home Decor. Christian art by Nathan Greene, Graham Braddock, Ron DiCianni, William Hallmark and others. |

| Karmelklooster, Drachten, beautiful Carmelite monastery, serves as a Spiritual and Cultural meeting place, in Drachten (Friesland), Netherlands. The Karmelklooster also organizes theme-exhibitions with a core group of Dutch figurative painters from the North of Holland. |
Hela-Dig Swedish site about self hypnosis |
De praktijk "Mind Over Cancer" werkt met het door Bert Perabo ontwikkelde "MindBodyProgram" in de begeleiding van haar cliënten. |
Scientific American: Special Report: 10 Promising Treatments for World's Biggest Health Threats Cutting-edge pharmaceuticals now being tested could revolutionize the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's, HIV, diabetes, nicotine addiction and other devastating diseases |
E-Books, Online Publication, Blogs, your email account - ALL FOR FREE Science/sci-fi/fantasy ebooks- full novels. Authors can post their novels/stories/poetry. Nice beautiful blogs for expressing yourself. Forum for discussions. Own name Email accounts. ALL FOR FREE
Site Review:A relatively new site where the users can register for free and become part of the rapidly growing intellectual community on the web. In short you can have your own free webspace here for expressing yourself to the world. |
Health, Mind & Beauty
| |
Free Online Dictionary |
Making Healthy Food Choices to Prevent and Control Diabetes. |
MACA Grower Home - It all began here, high in the Peruvian highlands, nearly 3000 years ago- with the first cultivated crops of Maca root being grown by Inca farmers for food and medicine. |
Arte Galerias de Artes Visuais exibindo obras representativas da sexualidade e da corporalidadade humanas, incluindo pinturas de nus e letras de música sensuais. / Visual art galleries depicting important works on human sexuality and corporality, including nude paintings and music lyrics (in portuguese). |
The Green Guide - Organic Food - The Green Guide is a great source of information on organic foods, the certified organic label and organic food recipes. Healthier, organic foods are more widely available and easier to identify, thanks to some new labels. And they're also getting more affordable. |
The GoJuvo Vegetarian raw food diet aids in rapid weight loss programs, with increased energy and immune system enhancement. Try a free sample today! |
Health and Wellness Resource Center - Natural Health Care and Beauty Products Online, |
Medical Transcription Services - Transcription Company VIVA Medical Transcription Company provides Medical Transcription services to clinics and hospitals across the US and Canada. | Download MP3 Weight Loss Hypnosis, Quit Smoking etc. Hypnosis Self hypnosis MP3 sessions for instant download. Online hypnosis for just $8.95 per hypnosis session. 90 day money back guarantee. |
A GLOBAL HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don’t possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the “2-percenters” know that you don’t? |
The Travellers Bible The Travellers Bible is a project aimed at helping travellers share information in a clear and organised manner. This travel encyclopedia is aimed at backpackers and tourists alike. It is wiki-based and so contribution from users is essential. |
Huridocs - Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International - The Human Rights Search Engine - search over 3000 human rights websites. |
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Computer desk Shop for computer desks at We have what you need!! |
News of Future Technology from year 2020 and beyond.